Researching the Use of Zinc in Treating Rosacea
According to Dr Nase, and I will now quote from his book, that 'ZincOxide is a superb skin protectant approved by the FDA as a Category1 skin protectant'.Dr Nase goes on to say that 'Clinical and experimental studiesdemonstrate that zinc oxide can (1) Enhance the celluar processes ofthe epidermis (2) Protect damaged skin during the healing processand (3) Decrease inflammation in both the dermis and epidermis.Also from Dr Nase's book, he explains findings and direct quotes ina study conducted on Microfine Zinc Oxide. It says 'Zinc Oxide hasbeen used since 1888. Our search of available medical literature didnot yield a single adverse reaction report to zinc oxide. In fact,zinc oxide is the only sunscreen ingredient that appears on morethan one FDA monograph. In addition to being an approved sunscreeningredient, zinc oxide is both a Category 1 skin protectant and aCategory 1 diaper rash treatment. Thus zinc oxide enjoys asingularly remarkable history of extensive and safe use. It may bethe most used topical drug'.From what I can deduce, zinc oxide's protective barrier from theenvironment helps to shield the epidermis and decrease hyper-reactivity. It has significant healing properties when applied todamaged skin and I can only speculate that as it has these healingproperties, it may well make your skin less reactive in the future.Also Dr Nase mentions that 'most importantly, medical specialistsindicate that topical zinc oxide can help heal rosacea facial skinthat has been damaged and thinned by topical steroids'.
Maria Cardone
Maria Cardone
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