Treating Rosacea with Retin-A
Retin A is an excellent medication for acne as well as effective anti-aging topical that works. It smooths the skin, unclogs pores and evens out the skin tone. However, there are no studies on what the short or long-term effect is on rosacea. This is because of 2 reasons: its photosensitizing effect and its angiogenetic (causes formation of more blood vessels) effect. I suspect that the vascular component in rosacea plays a more important role than we previously suspected. Many young rosacea sufferers in their 20's started out with mild rosacea as episodes of "easy to blush/flush" when stimulated by various stimuli, rather than with acne, seborrhea etc. Therefore, it is possible that Retin A may worsen the symptoms of rosacea.
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