Thursday, April 27, 2006

Green Tea May Improve Symptoms Of Rosacea

Green Tea has  properties that are especially useful for patients with rosacea as inherent sun sensitivity is a hallmark of the disease. The photoprotective properties of green tea may lessen reactivity to ultraviolet light, thereby reducing the signs and symptoms of rosacea. Moreover, green tea extract has been shown to reduce the disruption of the skin barrier often seen in patients with the disease.

In a small study 75% funded by Syed Skincare, patients with papulopustular rosacea treated with a cream containing 2% polyphenone (green tea extract) experienced a significant reduction in lesion count compared with patients applying vehicle cream.

Women randomized to the green tea extract cream had a 70% improvement in rosacea compared with women in the vehicle cream group, said Tanweer Syed, MD, PhD, an associate professor of dermatology at the University of California at San Francisco. Dr. Syed developed the polyphenone cream.

The cream not only has been shown to improve rosacea, but green tea extract also has natural anti-aging and anti-acne properties as well as a sun protection factor (SPF) of 50, Dr. Syed claimed. "The green tea has a soothing quality that helps the redness."The findings are from a small study. Larger studies with multiple investigators will be required to confirm the results.