Wednesday, May 11, 2005

G. Nase Responds to his Demodex Remarks

Geoffrey Nase was asked: I noticed your posts of May 9 and May 10 on the site concerning the fact that you had two men associated with skin> products mixed up. You stated the following: "Initially I thought Dr. [Zhangguang] Zhoa was associated with Demodex Solutions. He is a nut case. He claims cures for rosacea, acne and hair loss. That was my mistake. Way back when, I actually tried out his antidemdoex cream and it just irritated my skin so I stopped." In another post, you make the following distinction between these two individuals: "1) Dr. Zhangguang Zhoa is the one who makes the outrageous cure> claims for three disorders that are not even close to a cure. These claims cause this gentleman to lose all credibility with his peers and patients. 2) Dr. Zhoa Zhongzhou is the inventor of Demodex Solutions" Evidently, these are two very different people, with similarnames. You have made some very critical comments concerning Demodex Solutions on this board. It appears you made at least some ofthese comments thinking you were criticizing Zhangguang Zhoa, the person who have described as a "nutcase." Now you seem to realize that this man is not associated with Demodex Solutions. Now that you realize you were mixing up these two people, I wonder if you still feel as critical of Demodex Solutions as you did.

Nase's response: Good question. I did mix up the names because they where both Dr.Zhoa. The one claims cures for 3 uncurable treatments and the otherclaims cures for two uncurable treatments. So, yes, I do feel ascritical of Demodex Solutions. They claim a 90% cure rate with acneby getting rid of Demodex (demodex is not involved at all with acne)and they claim "a near 100% cure for rosacea". It may help 20% to30% of rosacea sufferers, but even in that small percentage it doesnot induce a cure in anyone. A cure is when you get a treatment orseries of treatments and then the disease is gone. No moremaintenance, no more triggers, never again to worry about thedisorder. The claims are outrageous and throws a lot of confusioninto an already messed up disorder. My main complaint......isplease just tone down these claims and totally remove acne from thescene.So, two different Zhoas, but the same misleading claims. Now Istart to see demodex take over this board and that is unacceptable.Be open to treatments, but not gullable. And if you are a businesssalesmane associated with the company, then put it up there as an alternative option for some select cases, but in no way should they have the right to say, "Near 100% cures for rosacea".