Sorry this is long but I wanted to put something up as a reply to recent comments and accusations made about me by Nase on an update on his website called "New Forum needed to ensure accurate information". I hope you have the time to read this and the Nase quotes are in bold italic.
"There is a lot of confusion regarding my position with Dr. Darm. This is mainly due to second hand contorted information propagated by Peter Waters and Twinkie Purple (detailed below). They purposefully take isolated segments from a site that is based on a non-existent court case"
Assuming he is referring to the DB site then he has provided most of the material on there directly himself. Can’t see any confusion about his position with Dr Darm as it looked a clear case of making money out of innocent rosacea sufferers. He probably has or has had in the past similar contracts with other professionals or companies. The court case(s) were real.
"Warren's Rosacea Group has several Red Light Therapy Salesman who make commision off of referrals and "home made devices". This is a fact that is denied vehemently by several people. The main salesman, Peter Waters has been involved for almost 3 years. Fact."
Several Red Light Therapy Salesmen? Apart from accusing me then who are the others? Where does the commission from home made devices come from? Thinking about it the manufacturers would probably pay you money NOT to show people for free (As David does) how to build cheaply LED units. FACT - I have used RLT since 1998 but never been involved in selling any device. Where is his proof? Of course I have given details of my lamp to people and contact details if they want to try it – who wouldn’t when trying to help others. See letter from Adrian Warburton in the thread:
"He never had Rosacea. Fact. Feel free to check out his photos on the RS group and his description. He details this."
FACT - I have rosacea. Again where is his proof otherwise? I have suffered from this condition for 20 years now but it was only diagnosed in 1997 by Dr Shahrad at Harpenden Bupa Hospital. Confirmed by Dr Tony Chu when I saw him for treatment in July 1998 at Hammersmith Hospital, London. Rosacea obviously runs in our family on my Mother’s side we believe as my Sister suffers from it and also one of my cousins. My pictures on the RSG profile were put up as part of a picture sharing idea so people could put faces to names, not necessarily showing how severe their condition was although some had the courage to do this. If you look at them on
http://rosacea.ii.net/profiles.html You will clearly see the narrative I put by each picture.
"Our discussions during sane times also suggested his skin condition was mostly acne. Period. He was NEVER diagnosed with Rosacea as per his own admission."
Has there ever been a sane time with Nase? We swapped a few e mails on red light a few years ago and he said he didn’t know much about it other than the lamps were designed for acne. I still have the mails. Basically he wasn’t interested despite me giving him all the information on it. When did I admit I was NEVER diagnosed with rosacea? News to me and yet another lie by him.
"But, where else is he going to sell a red light device. He cant sell the blue light as the market is already saturated for acne, but rosacea and red light therapy is open game to someone who never even had clinical rosacea."
As already stated I am not involved in selling anything. He is just making it all up as usual with no proof to back his claims. I HAVE CLINICAL ROSACEA as diagnosed by the professional dermatologist's mentioned above.
"I called 8 out of about 30 red light Internet sales sites. 8 out of 8 were accepting people to sell these systems for 10% to 15% commision."
Are there 30 red light Internet sales sites? You could also call 8 tyre companies or 8 of any other retail outlets and probably negotiate some form of commission if they were interested in you pushing their products. So what?
"Fact. Red light therapy is not approved for use on rosacea sufferers and DOES have the ability to burn skin (as Dr. Crouch found out when he had to treat two red light therapy burn patients who came to me first). For each person that has tried Red Light Therapy or LED Therapy and states, "It might be helping some" ................................. there are double the number who have returned the machines due to increased flushing, burning sensations and first degree burns (no blisters) and second degree burns (with blisters) with the higher energy LED systems now available and the homemade versions. You cannot change the quantity of light bulbs or LEDs without increasing the thermal energy."
TRUE - RLT is not currently medically approved for treating rosacea but there will be a clinical trial soon to investigate by a real PROFESSIONAL.
FALSE – LED does not have the ability to burn skin assuming the apparatus is used properly. What did Dr Crouch really find out? The notorious burn victims came to Nase first or Crouch first? Conflicting stories now which prove Nase made the whole story up.
Rubbish - it works and he can’t handle this fact. Typical Nase mumbo jumbo to give the impression he knows what he is talking about. Of course there is theory and practice although Nase theory is usually in language derived from another planet. Despite his claims we have never seen any evidence, reports or validated information that RLT harms the rosacea skin and that why he has to make the stories up. If the evidence was there it would have been thrown in our faces back in January when he posted his claims. Does he think we are all stupid?
Anyway how many people use RLT to treat rosacea? Well currently not that many although more are now giving it a go since they have realised his claims are false. When you read his various reports he tries to convey the story that hundreds of people are trying RLT, hundreds are getting badly burnt and hundreds are returning red light units whilst in the process I am becoming a millionaire from selling lamps. Total utter nonsense.
"Two of the biggest proponents of red light therapy (and I will just use their user names), IowaDavid and Banshee, have been using these systems for quite some time. We actually asked them to be on the Rosacea Research foundation and they both replied, "That they would love to, but were nearly disabled by rosacea and could not help". Direct quotes from emails to the entire Board of Directors. Obviously Red Light Therapy was not the answer and the multiple topical and oral prescriptions they are both taking confound any effect they say they might have."
FALSE – Banshee has once again been forced to put the record straight after Nase has again written falsely about her. David has also refuted Nases claims? Both Kristen (Banshee) and David have benefited from using RLT in their treatment regime as I did also. David has written a couple of articles about the subject and his results are very impressive.
"To the handful of people detailed above -- thank you for reinforcing my point about the lack of moderation on these boards, the repeated attempts for deceitful information and the need for accuracy on Support Boards. It also demonstrates why rosacea information and news has come to a standstill in many cases."
The only deceitful information I have and still see concerning rosacea comes from his actions past and present including his current website. I am sure it will all bear fruition once again to be used against him. Some people never learn.
Despite what he thinks rosacea information and news is still coming in and at least we know from our sources that it is reliable. What some people cannot yet grasp though is the amount of damage this man has done for many years within the rosacea society by his arrogance, selfishness, bullying and the desire through whatever means to become the number one, the supremo, the main man, the poster boy of the rosacea world. All I can say is that it is a bloody good job that some people have had the courage to stand up to him and prevent this from happening. A line on a post on the Forum I saw recently by Sweden summed up what Nase has achieved perfectly. "How many physicians has the guy scared off who could have been contributing to the rosacea community? Face it, the guy has done a lot of harm no doubt about it. His breakthrough treatments never end up being anything..how could you have missed that extremely valid point?"
Ok I'm done. Thanks for listening and good luck in the future.