Perioral Dermatitis and Rosacea
Facial eruptions occurring around the lips, chin and nose area are often diagnosed as perioral dermatitis. This inflammation of the nose, chin and mouth area generally consists of small red bumps or even pus bumps and mild peeling as the skin is extremely aggravated.
Use of fluoride-enhanced or tartar-control toothpaste, mouthwash, chapstick, lip gloss, and /or lipstick can result in a worsening of the symptoms. It is also believed that topical steroids, residue from asthma inhalers, nasal sprays, cinnamon, and even moisturizers contribute to perioral dermatitis.
The effects of hormones, sunlight, and stress can cause perioral dermatitis to be more severe. Perioral dermatitis is considered by some to be a variation of rosacea or a as distinct and separate skin condition.
Use of fluoride-enhanced or tartar-control toothpaste, mouthwash, chapstick, lip gloss, and /or lipstick can result in a worsening of the symptoms. It is also believed that topical steroids, residue from asthma inhalers, nasal sprays, cinnamon, and even moisturizers contribute to perioral dermatitis.
The effects of hormones, sunlight, and stress can cause perioral dermatitis to be more severe. Perioral dermatitis is considered by some to be a variation of rosacea or a as distinct and separate skin condition.
Labels: perioral dermatitis, rosacea, rosacea symptoms, rosacea treatment